When I started out on this journey I wanted to be a voice. I wanted to share my adoption story with fellow adoptees and maybe help educate non-adopters on what the process is like and how we got to where we are as a family of three. I didn’t feel represented, really. There wasn’t a 29 year old gay adoptee that I could relate to out there in the digital world. I guess we all have something we want to do but haven't ___yet. There was for me, and it was starting a blog and using my voice. And I did it.

There’s so many reasons why it takes a while to get started sometimes…  with a child it’s usually down to lack of time or not having the time to access the support of those with the digital know-how. That’s why the Google Digital Garage is here to help you take your first steps. 

The training at the garage is free and for EVERYONE. You can learn basics like how to get online to growing your career with new skills or even starting a new business. 

As I type this now a couple years into sharing my journey of family life it’s become so much more than I could ever have hoped for and have worked with some pretty amazing brands representing diversity and different shaped families. But I still have my own ‘___yet’ moments I want to achieve. What are they? You can find out...

I am so excited to be talking at the Google Digital Garage in Edinburgh on Wednesday 29th August at 2:30pm. I’ll be sharing my digital journey and talking about how I went from not knowing how to set up a website to running a fully functioning blog and social media channels, having channel specific strategies, creating my own brand and monetising the blog! 

If you're local to Edinburgh and fancy coming along to hear myself and two other influencers share our journeys and learn more from the Garage, then click here to sign up! It's free!!

See you soon, Edinburgh.

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