It’s coming up to that time where we need to start thinking about nurseries. And probably like every parent that reaches this stage, I just don’t feel ready. Mentally, emotionally… I am just not there (yet?). I don’t think I’d ever feel ready to be honest. Where have the past two years gone exactly? Time really won’t stand still for anybody…

There is so much to consider and factor in, it can be an overwhelming process.

He turns 3 in a month and is definitely at the age where he is ready for it, some kids go a lot sooner. He has been so lucky to have had a whole year of dadda time (from when he came home at 14 months old up until April 2016) and from April last year he’s been going to his auntie’s house around the corner three days a week while dadda got back into school working one on one with SEN kids. It’s a perfect split and has been a great set up for us all due to having plenty of school holidays off together. But i do think having a little structure and mixing with more kids than he does now will be good for him, definitely.

We are very keen to make nursery a part time thing. I just feel that even at age five it’s too young to start a Monday to Friday, full days’ routine for our kids. Overnight they become part of that machine. Is that really what we want for them? Longing for the weekends like we do as adults? Maybe they wouldn’t as they tend to love nursery/school most of the time. But what about time with each other as a family? Family time is literally the best time, why restrict it to weekends only? Is there no other option? (Don’t get me started on schools or the curriculum… I’ll have to save that for another post!). I just want to ease him in to the whole process gently, have him mix with other children and learn at his own speed. Luckily there are nurseries in our area that look really great and we’re visiting one soon. 

But right now, at the start of a new year I am thinking ‘what do we do?’. Should we register with a few? Some have admission deadlines, some don’t. Some have higher fees than others, some don’t let you do just mornings so you have to do the full day and some demand a five day attendance. I just don’t know where to start. Maybe we should’ve done our research sooner… Should we investigate home schooling? It's definitely come up in a few times...

I don’t doubt for a moment that he’ll love every minute of nursery. The kids, the activities, the play… he’ll be in his element. Our kids are so much more resilient than us, i swear! It is a concern, purely for me and his dad, to think he won’t be with his family. This is the first time we’ll be letting go... someone who doesn’t know him is responsible for his safety and wellbeing. I don’t mind admitting I was completely unprepared for how this would make me feel.

When he trips or hurts himself and looks around for me… I won’t be there. These professionals do it with hundreds of kids every day and it’s their job, I get that. But to all of us parents, these are OUR KIDS! I guess this is just the first of many times I will feel like this… and I doubt it’s going to get easier throughout life to be honest. Or does it? TELL ME IT DOES! My dad said to me once "The first 30 years are the hardest”. Great.

I am a sensitive parent. I always will be. I won’t apologise for it. He is my son and I just want to wrap him up in every piece of cotton wool I can. But I can’t. And I know that. He is growing more every single day.

I had a little thought the other night… we didn’t have that first year of life with our son. Is there something in our minds, psychologically, making us feel this way towards nursery or is it completely normal? Maybe. I don’t know… We aren’t ‘babying’ him. He’s developing all the time and we encourage change in routine for him. Though saying that, when we start doing all the ‘lasts’ like the last nappy or when he moves into his big boy bed, I will no doubt be a wreck.

I swear over Christmas he became a different child. Saying so much more, looking us in the eyes as we talk, doing new things to make us laugh every day. It’s hilarious and amazing to witness this growth as a parent. And I couldn’t be prouder… I truly believe in these things working out for the best. I was worried when my husband decided to go to work three days a week after his year off. But it was brilliant for us all. And this will be the same… we just need to come to terms with the fact that he’ll be running off into that playground without worrying about his poor dads who will just be there, watching him start a new adventure in his tiny, little, wonderful world.

What are your experiences of nursery/schooling? Did you/do you home school? Or can you not wait to get the kids into school? I want to know! Share your thoughts below...